Iconic Species of the Golfo Dulce 

The overwhelming grandeur of the tropical rain forest is an elusive thing.

“There are no herds of ungulates as on the Serengeti plain, no cascades of orchids - just a thousand shades of green, an infinitude of shape, form, and texture that so clearly mocks the terminology of temperate botany. It is almost as if you have to close your eyes to behold the constant hum of biological activity - evolution, if you will - working in overdrive”. Wade Davis, One River (1996)

Together with our resident biologists from Cambridge University and other institutions, we have put together a collection of animal fact files looking at some of the smallest but arguably the greatest and most interesting forms of life to grace the rainforest and ocean habitats of Golfo Dulce.

Golfodulcean Poison Frog

Heliconius Butterfly

Luminescent Dinoflagellate

Golden Silk Orb-Weaver